Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Myth of the Golden Investigator...busted!

Christmas day at the Stracke's
By way of news from Ringgold - Kristen and Shannon have escaped the dreaded transfer one more time! However, they are headed to the mission home this week to pick up a third sister to add to their dynamic duo! They are both excited to be staying in the area as their work is finally paying off in a tangible way - they have a baptism up and coming!! Here is the story of the Myth of the Golden Investigator. 

"J" is freaking getting baptized and I cant even stand it! she is SOOOOOO prepared. 
Do you think these two have spent some time together??

So we taught law of chastity, a terrifying lesson for a couple that is living together and not planning on getting married. 

Well, we walk in and ask them how their Christmas was and before we even sit down "J" screams, "WE ARE ENGAGED!!" THEY ARE ENGAGED AND WE WERE TEACHING THE LAW OF CHASTITY THAT NIGHT! Holy chicken batman!

Well, we gave the lesson and it went really well. We asked if they would live it and they said they would get back to us on that one. We came over two days later and "J" says,

"We are going to be chaste, but "C" is not moving out." 

Looks like the baby brother managed to send the north, south.
We both look at each other and then she says, 

"BUT we have decided to get legally married before the 18th so i can still get baptized because I have prayed about it and I am suppose to be baptized on the 18th!"

I literally almost peed my pants! I couldn't believe it! They came to church yesterday and loved it.

I think "Santa" made it to the Sisters apartment
Then we taught word of wisdom, another concern, because they both smoke and drink coffee, but they said at the new year they are quitting. Thanks to the help of the Lord, because "J" has been praying, she has already gone from 2 packs a day to half a pack.....WHAT?!?!?! GOSH the Lord is soooo cool! She is a little worried about the coffee but says they are gonna throw it all out and give it up to the Lord and she will be baptized, gosh darn it!

You hear stories about the golden investigator, but we really thought they were a myth but by golly, they exist!

Now, I know as well as many of you reading this that there are going to be things thwarting these Sister missionaries and their investigator as she gets closer to her baptism date.  Please send your prayers and love their way, especially for this sister and her family as they take this great step. 

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